So here i am blogging about being apart of the whole blogging community. i figured this would be a lot easier to review a lot of the products i purchase from time to time. so here's a little update on my life. TODAY, about half an hour ago there was this weird earthquake! and those of you who live in the bay area know what im talking about. t'was very weird.
Here's a review on the U by Kotex Heavy Flow Pads that i bought recently and even showed in a haul i did. So i got my monthly gift y
esterday, let me tell you PAINFUL cramps. gahh! other than that i decided to test out these pads i was afraid that they would not work so i kept returning to the restroom to change. so apparently these pads are not great for people who do have a heavy flow. i could not trust it to hold. this will seem embarassing BUT i literally had to use TWO of these things. i never had to do that before.. but i realized that i personally need longer pads because i am no longer a size zero in pants. what i am trying to say is if you got some junk in the trunk then these pads will not work for you. i am a person who loves laying down and moving around a lot. so these pads are a no no no for me. i will not repurchase this product again. i will stick to my ALWAYS! =]
*Picture provided by GOOGLE =]
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